Since today the Linux (Debian/Ubuntu) desktop application can no longer log in. When you click on Log in and “Get Code”, you get “You are using an old version of the Binance app. Please go to the official Binance website to download the latest version. (208001)”. There is no newer available deb package. The version you can download from the site is 1.47.0. Support says that there’s a 1.50 for Windows and Mac. Support also hinted that “as of present no new Linux versions are planned”, but they couldn’t clarify whether the Linux support is being terminated. If it is, that would be terribly sad! It’s an electron app after all!
Could somebody confirm or deny this, please?
Is there a place where beta/nightly builds can be downloaded from?
I’m also getting this error. The support said it’s temporarily. Also not sure why they need to build 15 different linux versions (rpm, deb, etc). Just build it once with the AppImage setting – it produces a single binary such as the dmg for osx and it will work on all linux distros.
For Windows the version is 1.52
Linux stop in version 1.47
I ask to support for continue version for Linux… but Binance have more e more poor services…
I tested in Wine and work fine. (but have window bar of windows and not click in shorcut auto installed, delete and create this in nano desktop:
[Desktop Entry]
Exec=wine “/home/XXXXXX/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/Binance/Binance.exe”
Comment=Buy & sell Crypto in minutes, join the world’s largest crypto exchange.
Icon=/home/XXXXX/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/Binance/resources/icons/icon.ico
I have updated my post.
(with wine installed)
Simple download the version for windows, click 2x, install, but no click in desktop shortcut, create new shorcut for binance.exe
i have
wine 9.0 x64 (Windows 7)
Linux Mint 21.3 x64
with installed libraries dotnet8, dxvk (yes binance use Vulkan), mfc140, msxml6, wininet and vcrun2020<
@tuganetworks : This doesn’t really work for me under Ubuntu. In fact, it crashes during the installation right after the selection of the language.
Resorting to wine and having to use web site for trading is just… ridiculous, especially, since there has been a dedicated app for this for Linux (for both Debian and Redhat).
The proper thing to have done would have been to just not release a new version for Linux for a while, but to not break key functionality and to mention this in the Release Notes, so that users would know that there is some ongoing problem with Electron.
Hey everyone, just survived a tech odyssey with the Binance app on Manjaro Arch, and I’ve come back with some tips to share.
Support might as well have told me to go kick rocks, so I took matters into my own hands. Here’s the path through the madness if you’re stuck too:
Grab the .dmg file (yep, the Mac package) for Binance.
Convert the .dmg to an .img with dmg2img – you can install it from your repository if it’s not already on your system.
Install and use 7zip to unpack the converted .img file.
Find the Binance executable in the extracted files and run it with Wine.
For the record, this worked on my Manjaro Arch setup, and while I wish I could tell you what particular bit of magic made it work, it’s a little hazy. It might’ve been the combined forces of the following, so try these if it’s not smooth sailing:
Use winetricks to tweak Wine settings and ensure you add the Binance app specifically.
Start the Binance app via the Wine binary – just navigate to the location where you extracted the .img and run it.
Install vcrun and dotnet via winetricks if needed.
Not sure why you’d be using the OSX image instead of directly downloading the binance-setup.exe binary? Also, could you share your winetricks list-installed ? That would give the list of all installed tricks.
According to my VIP support ticket, they are working on a version. I hope they dont drop the support for linux. WebUI is not suitable for me as a high frequent trader.
Here’s a wine script which works for me on Ubuntu and wine 9.0 (lower version doesn’t seem to work):
if [[ $1 == "--install" ]]; then
echo "Install Latest Wine:"
(set -x; sudo mkdir -pm755 /etc/apt/keyrings)
(set -x; sudo wget -O /etc/apt/keyrings/winehq-archive.key
(set -x; sudo apt install --install-recommends winehq-stable)
printf "\n\n"
echo "If asked for wine-mono say Yes!"
echo "When the installer completed -- DO NOT START BINANCE!"
printf "\n\n"
sleep 5
set -x
export WINEPREFIX=~/.binance-wine
mkdir -p $WINEPREFIX
winecfg -v win10
winetricks -q --force corefonts vcrun6sp6 vcrun2017 dxvk dotnet48
curl -L -o "$WINEPREFIX/drive_c/binance-setup.exe"
wine "C:\\binance-setup.exe"
sed -i "s#Name=.*#Name=Binance Wine#" ~/.local/share/applications/wine/Programs/Binance.desktop
sed -i "s#Env=.*#Exec=env WINEPREFIX=\"$WINEPREFIX\" wine C:\\\\ProgramData\\\\Microsoft\\\\Windows\\\\Start\\ Menu\\\\Programs\\\\Binance.exe --disable-gpu --no-sandbox#"
sed -i "s#Icon=.*#Icon=$WINEPREFIX/dosdevices/c:/Program Files/Binance/resources/icons/size/512x512.png#" ~/.local/share/applications/wine/Programs/Binance.desktop
sudo update-desktop-database
export WINEPREFIX=~/.binance-wine
wine "C:\Program Files\Binance\Binance.exe" --disable-gpu --no-sandbox
You save this script, and run it via ./ --install
It will install Binance and configure wine with the necessary winetricks.
When the installer finished you must NOT start Binance. That will crash it.
Instead just finish the installation without starting Binance.
The script will add --disable-gpu --no-sandbox args to the startup which will solve the startup problems.
The last line in the script starts Binnce with wine, but the installation will create a gnome application shortcut called Binance Wine. You can use either ones to start Binance.
The new version of the desktop application for linux does not load data. Pages, support and login screen are not loading. I have deleted the cache and the folder with configuration files. No change. Version 1.52.3, Manjaro Linux.