Is the Binance desktop application for Linux no longer maintained?

its looks like chromium error - i found it when binance was started from commandline.

*Creating shared memory in /dev/shm/.org.chromium.Chromium.EPDvsd failed: No such file or directory*

I tried ‘sudo chmod 1777 /dev/shm’, it doesn’t work either

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Version 1.52.4 deployed, still the same issue…

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Confirming 1.52.4 still behaves wrong. I also found related issue for chromium mentioned here before and gave them steps to reproduce, hope this will speed up resolution

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Same thing, downloaded the latest today on ubuntu 24.04, seems like the embedded chromium can´t access the shared memory region, also tried changing /dev/shm permissions and no go

pablo@papa-linux:~$ binance
[75198:0528/] Creating shared memory in /dev/shm/.org.chromium.Chromium.OtvpDm failed: No such file or directory (2)
[75198:0528/] Unable to access(W_OK|X_OK) /dev/shm: No such file or directory (2)
[75198:0528/] This is frequently caused by incorrect permissions on /dev/shm. Try ‘sudo chmod 1777 /dev/shm’ to fix.
[75218:0528/] Creating shared memory in /dev/shm/.org.chromium.Chromium.PrCVR3 failed: No such file or directory (2)
[75218:0528/] Unable to access(W_OK|X_OK) /dev/shm: No such file or directory (2)
[75218:0528/] This is frequently caused by incorrect permissions on /dev/shm. Try ‘sudo chmod 1777 /dev/shm’ to fix.
[75004:0528/] Message 2018821131 rejected by interface blink.mojom.FrameWidgetHost


try. will work.
/opt/Binance/binance --no-sandbox

or make shortcut on Linux desktop
/opt/Binance/binance --no-sandbox


The app works indeed when globally disabling Electron’s sandboxing feature :+1:

NB : Electron’s official doc mentions that it should be used for testing only, as there are risks

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thank you, it indeed works disabling Electron’s sandbox

THX! it works, but developers should resolve it anyway. :slight_smile:

the -no-sandbox flag fixed the issue,
Appimage format should be supported by @binance

Issue still persist on desktop app v 1.52.11


This is probably the stupidest thing ever.

The desktop application is not meant to work, if you’re in the UK. Apparently, it doesn’t comply with the regulators’ requirements. When you log into the application, (if at all you can get to that point in >= 1.52.*), you are then simply told to use the web site instead and are forwarded to it. At this point, everything in the desktop app becomes blurred out and a browser opens for you.

So, I contacted their support and was online on their chat for over two hours to get to the explanation, that in the UK you can only use the web site, or the Android app.

I think that the development team who work on the Desktop application are really clueless developers (as a Developer / DevSecOps Engineer with over 20 years of experience myself). In fact, I think that the people who do the screening and hiring, have some sort of anti-patterns book that they have accepted as their holy bible.

  • The application is very poorly tested before each release.
  • Releases for Linux do not get rolled out at the same time as those for other OS.
  • It is not possible to download older versions. (Due to “company policy” as confirmed by the support team).
  • There are no nightly/snapshot/beta releases.
  • The REST API breaks things for older versions, if you are running one, and when this happens, you can no longer log in. Through that version. EVER.
  • The REST API is not stable and/or is poorly documented and lacks things that the desktop app has.
  • It appears that no one at Binance has ever heard of feature flags and they are clueless about this. If regulators have certain expectations of functionality not being available in a given country, you can just switch it off based on geo-location, or the country of registration of the account, etc. Not just go ahead and break the entire app for everyone!
  • The UI gets in your way due to poorly devised UI and poorly thought through UX (tooltips hiding half of the text box you’re editing, etc).
  • Supposedly, they have problems with the Electron library (which is open source) that aren’t being addressed by the project’s team (as mentioned by the support agent, with no further details provided). In this case any mature company which can afford it (and Binance most certainly can), will just contribute the fixes themselves. OR JUST CREATE THEIR OWN DAMN FORK AND FIX THINGS THEMSELVES! This is by far one of the stupidest excuses (and the handling of it) that I have ever heard!
  • The fact that the Binance developers are not monitoring this forum and being active in replying and helping to resolve issues, speaks volumes in regards to how things are being done at Binance.
  • The fact that when you propose improvements through the Desktop app and they get dismissed because some non-technical support engineer didn’t understand the feature request/bug report/etc is very disappointing.
  • There is no place to report bugs with the desktop/mobile applications. In this day and age, I just can’t believe there is no official issue tracker. Going to support for everything is just counter-productive and makes zero sense.
  • You have a limit on the number of devices that can be connected to Binance at the same time. This is not configurable via the desktop/web UI. This is just unacceptable! If you’re taking the money (one way the other), you should be able to survive the number of HTTP requests. No excuses that it’s a security concern. It will not be a security concern, if in the UI you can disconnect devices remotely and revoke their access.
  • The way that changes are communicated is just terrible. You are either told post factum, or are told when the changes are made, you will just know (“The changes will happen tomorrow. No further communications will be sent.”; at what point tomorrow and whether it was successful or not, you are not entitled to knowing). No release notes listing changes between versions.

Binance is making a lot of money off users and this is just unacceptable. If you’re told to use the web site, it should at least offer a very similar experience. Instead, you’re left feeling quite handicapped.

I hope someone at Binance actually does care to improve things and has a vision and the capability to do so, because things are just going downhill.

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@Carlspring, you can try to fill issue via one of their repos here, unfortunatelly issuse are disabled for desktop app repo, so try to use other one with high traffic or with maintainer active:

Version 1.53.0 is out and it actually lets you log in and works with --no-sandbox.

Yeah… Strike that! The same things happens with it as well. Now, in a few hours.

it works for me, many thanks


Still doesn’t work if your profile is based in the UK.

Version 1.53.8: Still the same, but works with --no-sandbox.

Thanks! Is works in version: 1.53.8

[7902:1111/] Creating shared memory in /dev/shm/.org.chromium.Chromium.rHaMLd failed: No such process (3)
[7902:1111/] Unable to access(W_OK|X_OK) /dev/shm: No such process (3)
[7902:1111/] This is frequently caused by incorrect permissions on /dev/shm. Try ‘sudo chmod 1777 /dev/shm’ to fix.
[7920:1111/] Creating shared memory in /dev/shm/.org.chromium.Chromium.7CRYoe failed: No such process (3)
[7920:1111/] Unable to access(W_OK|X_OK) /dev/shm: No such process (3)
[7920:1111/] This is frequently caused by incorrect permissions on /dev/shm. Try ‘sudo chmod 1777 /dev/shm’ to fix.

Este es el mensaje de consola cuando ejecuto el binance desktop en kubuntu