Get the list of all trades from Binance API without passing the trade pair (symbol to `/api/v3/myTrades`)

I am building an application to fetch the list of all trades from Binance API. The /api/v3/myTrades API expects a symbol parameter in the API request which is basically the trading pair (E.g. BTCUSD, ETHBTC etc). Currently, there are about 1200+ trading pairs.

It is quite a time taking process to get the list of all trades by calling the /api/v3/myTrades API repeatedly for each and every trading pairs following the API rate limits enforced by Binance API.

Is there any better/faster/efficient way to get the list of trades?

Hi. So far there is no endpoint to acquire all trading pairs’ trades together. But there is another approach that do not require multiple API calls. You can subscribe the user data stream and maintain a local trade history collection.

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