EARN (Locked Staking)

Hello @aisling, I kindly ask you if you can provide some information regarding the development timeline of this feature. I am completely dependent on it. I know that Binance may not care about the need of a single user, but i have evidences that this is a problem to a lot of people so far. Please just give us an update on whether the feature is going to be developed, is being developed or will never be developed.
Thank you very much

I agree with all the comments above. Without this feature we cannot have a full overview of our assets, which is quite a pity.
Thank you

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We don’t know and can’t get the ETA for when or if Locked Staking will be available, we can only check the public announcement, which is the change log in the API documentation (Binance API Documentation).
My own assumption is if it becomes available, it’ll most likely be only to check open stakings or the staking history (you can export this on the UI as alternative).
With this being said, we’re aware of your comments, although we don’t have additional info to provide.

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