Convert operation (e.g., TUSD into USDC)

Is there a way to execute ‘Convert’ operation through API, just as it’s done with UI ‘Convert Funds’ option?
For example, I’d like to convert TUSD into USDC. Is it possible? For some coins, I can simulate a trade order for the symbol. However, not all 'convertible pairs can be traded - ‘TUSD_USDC’ - not.
I find this feature very useful for API to have. Otherwise, the API is very limited.
Would be nice to have this feature.

Thanks for the feedback. So far the API service only provide the conversion to BNB with small amount. ( ) Otherwise, trading is required.

Is there any plans to add support for this?
How it can be ‘feature requested’? By up-voting this post?

Hi @ishuen ,
I’m trying to find the convert APIs in Binance using Node.js, but I can’t seem to locate them. Does Binance not provide any API or SDK method for conversion? I want to convert BTC to ETH through an API or SDK. Could you please guide me on this?

Upvoting the post works because it shows how many people also need this. But the more important part is, the expectation of the feature is clearly stated so that we can bring this into the internal discussion.

@Umaid_Khalid There is currently no implementation of the convert endpoints on the node js connector. In the meantime, you can either use the typescript connector or refer to the documentation.

thank you for your reply. I am trying to use this on the MARKET, and it works fine for converting assets immediately. For example, using Binance’s feature allows instant conversion. However, the issue arises with certain tokens. For instance, if I try to convert XRPBTC, it does not work. What could be the solution for this? and for MARKET is better or should I used OpenOrder

You can get the list of the assets you can convert with the endpoint GET /sapi/v1/convert/exchangeInfo.

If it isn’t in the list, you will need to do it from the UI.

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Got it Thanks for help.

can you please look into this issue as well