Withdraw issue

I am facing an issue when calling the withdraw API or using it through the SDK. The problem is that when I try to withdraw funds, it withdraws a smaller amount than expected and leaves the remaining balance in the wallet. For example, when withdrawing 6 DOGE, instead of sending 6 to the address, it sends 2, and 4 remains in my wallet. What could be the issue? Has anyone else faced this? I’ve been stuck on this for a while, so please let me know the solution. Thanks!


const withdrawToken = async (symbol, address, amount, network) => {
  try {
    const response = await client.withdraw(symbol, address, amount, network);
    console.log(`Withdrawal successful for ${symbol}:`, response.data);
  } catch (error) {
      `Error withdrawing ${symbol}:`,
      error.response.data || error.message

const symbol = "Bnb";
const address = "";
const amount = "1";
const network = "Bsc";
withdrawToken(symbol, address, amount, network);

Are you trying to withdraw from the master account? The code looks correct, but you haven’t provided details about the withdrawal request for DOGE (e.g., the network used).

Hi @albin
I am trying to withdraw with this payload and I’m withdrawing from my Binance account.

const symbol = “DOGE”;
const address = “DT3MewM5G1a3PhUGsgSDktwLcvpYEAMSwS”;
const amount = “6”;
const network = “DOGE”;

hi @albin
waiting for your response. I am still stuck at this point.

From the endpoint GET /sapi/v1/capital/config/getall, for the DOGE network, the withdrawFee is set to 4:

     "network": "DOGE",
     "coin": "DOGE",
     "withdrawIntegerMultiple": "0.00000001",
     "isDefault": true,
     "depositEnable": true,
     "withdrawEnable": true,
     "depositDesc": "",
     "withdrawDesc": "",
     "specialTips": "",
     "name": "dogecoin",
     "resetAddressStatus": false,
     "addressRegex": "^(D|A|9)[a-km-zA-HJ-NP-Z1-9]{33,34}$",
     "memoRegex": "",
     "withdrawFee": "4",
     "withdrawMin": "5",
     "withdrawMax": "10000000000",
     "withdrawInternalMin": "0.00000001",
     "depositDust": "0.008",
     "minConfirm": 6,
     "unLockConfirm": 50,
     "sameAddress": false,
     "estimatedArrivalTime": 5,
     "busy": false

Could you confirm the fee amount for your withdrawal by checking the historical withdrawals using the endpoint GET /sapi/v1/capital/withdraw/history?

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but these 4 were remaining in the sender’s wallet not deducting the fee.

can you let me know if I want to withdraw funds on Binance to Binance and Binance to an external wallet(metamask) how can I manage these things.
