can not set sidePosition in FUTURES messages

OS: Linux PYTHONWORK 5.3.0-18-generic #19-Ubuntu SMP Tue Oct 8 20:14:06 UTC 2019 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
Programming Language version: Python 2.7.17
CCXT version: latest
Exchange: binance
Method: fapiPrivatePostMarginType, createOrder


For the FUTURE market, I am trying to set the ‘positionSide’ value of an Order to LONG or SHORT. Right now, I am getting the value of BOTH.

=> this is how I initiliazed the connection to the server:

 [start PART 1:  ... snip ...]
            LD_API_KEY      = os.getenv("BINANCE_APIKEY")
            LD_API_SECRET   = os.getenv("BINANCE_API_SECRET")

            conn_exchange = ccxt.binance({
                'apiKey': LD_API_KEY,
                'secret': LD_API_SECRET,
                'timeout': 30000,
                'enableRateLimit': True,
                'rateLimit': 250,
                'options': { 'defaultType': 'future', },

[end PART 1 ... snip ...]

[start PART 2: ... snip ...]
        exchange = initialize_connection( in_market )  # NOTE <- initialization for FUTURES market

        # the futures acount can be ISOLATED or CROSSED -!!! MAKE SURE IT STAYS ISOLATED !!!
        if ( in_market == t_bin_param.BIN_TRADE_FUTURES ):
            new_symbol  = in_symbol.replace("/", "")
            param = {
                'symbol'      : new_symbol,
                'marginType'  : 'ISOLATED', #or 'CROSSED' or 'ISOLATED'
                # (Pdb) p e - the function below always kickes out some kind of error, trying to avoid it
                # ExchangeError('binance {"code":-4046,"msg":"No need to change margin type."}')
                exchange.fapiPrivatePostMarginType ( param )

            except ccxt.ExchangeError as f: # code below to avoid process stopping due to message
                 if ( f.args[0].find("-4046") == -1 ): # -4046, MarginType adjustment not necessary
                    raise  # (otherwise CONTINUE processing)

[end PART 2 ... snip ...]

NOTE: The reason for the code at -4046 is to make sure that ISOLATED has been set. Things can get bad if ISOLATED is ~not set~

Below is where I am trying to set the “positionSide”

[start PART 3 ... snip ...]

            # see:
            # see:
            if ( in_side.upper() == 'BUY') :
                server_params['positionSide'] = 'LONG'
            elif ( in_side.upper() == 'SELL') :
                server_params['positionSide'] = 'SHORT'
                raise CustomProgramError ('-11091', 'BIG ERROR! - the SIDE passed in is NOT ->BUY<- or ->SELL<- !')
[end PART 3 ... snip ...]

Below is what is being executed for a MARKET order

[start PART 4 ... snip ...]
orders  = exchange.createOrder( in_symbol, k_type, side, in_amount, None, server_params )
[end PART 4 ... snip ...]

The values are as follows for the statement above:

debugger>> print in_symbol, k_type, side, in_amount, None, server_params
(‘BTC/USDT’, ‘MARKET’, ‘BUY’, 0.001, None, {‘newClientOrderId’: ‘3f437e0c86b74df584f2ec9b8c8a8660’, ‘positionSide’: ‘LONG’})

PROBLEM: This is the error I get:
ExchangeError(‘binance {“code”:-4061,“msg”:“Order’s position side does not match user’s setting.”}’)

When I take out the part associated with [ start PART 3/end PART 3 ] above, everything works - BUT - when doing a query for OPEN POSITIONS in the FUTURES MARKET ( as querying for OPEN POSITIONS in a SPOT MARKET is not possible/valid )

I get something like the following:

This is what I got with the position:
{‘return_code’: 0, ‘data’: [{‘symbol’: ‘BTCUSDT’, ‘positionAmt’: ‘0.001’, ‘entryPrice’: ‘11498.50000’, ‘markPrice’: ‘11468.43959888’, ‘unRealizedProfit’: ‘-0.03006040’, ‘liquidationPrice’: ‘7695.68814257’, ‘leverage’: ‘3’, ‘maxNotionalValue’: ‘200000000’, ‘marginType’: ‘isolated’, ‘isolatedMargin’: ‘3.80353421’, ‘isAutoAddMargin’: ‘false’, ‘positionSide’: ‘BOTH’}]}

which shows the “‘positionSide’: ‘BOTH’”


I added “hedgeMode” = True (according to this : )

[start PART 5 ... snip ...]

            LD_API_KEY      = os.getenv("BINANCE_APIKEY_MARGIN")
            LD_API_SECRET   = os.getenv("BINANCE_API_SECRET_MARGIN")

            conn_exchange = ccxt.binance({
                'apiKey': LD_API_KEY,
                'secret': LD_API_SECRET,
                'timeout': 30000,
                'enableRateLimit': True,
                'rateLimit': 250,
                'options': { 'defaultType': 'future', 'hedgeMode': True },

            print("\n\n ---- THE FUTURES MARKET HAS BEEN SET --- \n\n")

[end PART 5 ... snip ...]

BUT - I still got the SAME ERROR (i.e. : ExchangeError(‘binance {“code”:-4061,“msg”:“Order’s position side does not match user’s setting.”}’) )

I also tried it this way too:


conn_exchange = ccxt.binance({
    'apiKey': LD_API_KEY,
    'secret': LD_API_SECRET,
    'timeout': 30000,
    'enableRateLimit': True,
    'rateLimit': 250,
    'hedgeMode': True,
    'options': { 'defaultType': 'future' },

print("\n\n ---- THE FUTURES MARKET HAS BEEN SET --- \n\n")

but it still did not work (got the SAME ERROR (i.e. : ExchangeError(‘binance {“code”:-4061,“msg”:“Order’s position side does not match user’s setting.”}’)


NOTE: The verbose version of the run is listed below.

  1. I was trying to get ‘positionSide’ to be set in order to be able to CLOSE a position properly should it become necessary. If the ‘positionSide’ is LONG, then I would close the position by creating a SELL Order against the trading pair (ex: BTC/USDT). If the ‘positionSide’ is SHORT, the I would close it out by creating a BUY Order

Is this correct?

  1. If this is correct, then how can I set the positionSide properly - or - is there some kind of Work-Around?

Any help, hints or advice would be greatly appreciated.


Please find this topic, hope it’s helpful.

you will need to call the endpoint to enable Hedge mode first.

Thanks for the information. Above you said:
>> setting the parameter dualSidePosition = true
is this to be done when initializing the connection to the server (i.e. - see below)

conn_exchange = ccxt.binance({ ...

or creating an order (i.e. - see below )

orders = exchange.createOrder( in_symbol, k_type, side, in_amount, None, server_params )


sorry, it’s best to consult within this repository