Binance Spot API - IP access restrictions

I am testing the Binance Spot API, and it works with no problems, i can send the requests and get the data from Trade Collections, for example : All Orders, Current Open Orders, Account Information.

The problem is that when i go the API Management in my Binance Account and i set the IP Restrict access to my trusted IPs only, then i get the following error when i test again these endpoints

This is the error from PostMan

    "code": -2015,
    "msg": "Invalid API-key, IP, or permissions for action."

It looks like that the IP i have inserted they are not right, but they are actually, i get these numbers from my network details. What i might be doing wrong?

Please have a look at this post why do I see this error “Invalid API-key, IP, or permissions for action.” to check for possible reasons.

@albin Thanks, i think this Ip whitelist does not have effect answered my question better