withdraw function of node.js connector library

I wonder if there is a withdraw function in nodejs connector library, I don’t see any official document about it however there was a topic on stakeover flow mentioned about client.withdraw() function but it not clear enought to follow
stakeoverflow link:

How to get and send response Binance API Withdraw using node.js - Stack Overflow


Within node.js connector’s GitHub repository, you can find an example for the withdraw function, please refer to: binance-connector-node/withdraw.js at master · binance/binance-connector-node · GitHub

@aisling I think your github link is wrong… it respnonse 404 error

You’re right, just corrected.

@aisling2 by the way, I have found the withdraw.js as your suggest, However the instruction is missing memo/tag! Some coin such as EOS or XRP require a memo/tag to make a withdraw, I wonder how should I submit the memo/tag?

To see all the accepted parameters (beyond the exampled ones), you need to go to the method definition: binance-connector-node/wallet.js at b28ebc113e850a5f930975dadc9ef4cb60372b70 · binance/binance-connector-node · GitHub

For memo, I think the parameter is addressTag