Why is my results are different

I know lately I’m asking to much questions but I’m trying to understand api correctly so thank u all for Answering my questions

so this time I try to get same minutes trades with future websocket aggerated trades and futures aggregated trades they started working same time and gave me different results
for websocket I used this code

import websocket,json,ssl,threading,datetime

def takeInfo(symbol):

    negatif_data = []
    pozitif_data = []

    #oran = float(tp)*100/float(hacim)
    def on_message(ws, message):
        if datetime.datetime.now() <=m:
            json_message = json.loads(message)
            quantity = json_message["q"]
            price = json_message["p"]
            isBuyerTrue = json_message["m"]
            usdt = float(quantity)*float(price)
            if isBuyerTrue:
                usdt = -usdt
                yon = "sell"
                yon = "buy"
            f = open("data.txt","a+")
        #    print(f"fiyat : {price}, miktar : {quantity}, usdt : {usdt}, symbol : {symbol}")

            print(f"Last one minutes volume : {sum(negatif_data)+sum(pozitif_data)}")


    def on_close(ws, close_status_code, close_msg) 
        print("### closed ###")
    while True:
        m = datetime.datetime.now() + datetime.timedelta(minutes = 1)
        ws = websocket.WebSocketApp(f"wss://fstream.binance.com/ws/{symbol}@aggTrade",on_message=on_message,on_close=on_close)
        ws.run_forever(sslopt={"cert_reqs": ssl.CERT_NONE})

and I used this code for futures aggregated trades

from config import Connect
import time
client = Connect().make_connection()
print("logged in")
pozitif_data = []
negatif_data = []
a = client.futures_aggregate_trades(symbol="BTCUSDT")[-1]["a"]
trades = client.futures_aggregate_trades(symbol="BTCUSDT",fromid=a)
data = [(trades[x]['q'], trades[x]['m']) for x in range(len(trades))]
for q,isBuyerMaker in data:
    if isBuyerMaker == True:
        usdt = float(q)
        usdt = -usdt
        usdt =float(q)

toplam = sum(negatif_data)+sum(pozitif_data)
print("Last 1 minutes volume  :", toplam )

and first one gave me -1034107.9589800024
and second one gave me -4.356999999999971
and for that moments candlestick trading view volume indicator says 126 so why is this happening what am I doing wrong its clear I have a mistake somewhere thank you for helping me already

a = client.futures_aggregate_trades(symbol=“BTCUSDT”)[-1][“a”]
trades = client.futures_aggregate_trades(symbol=“BTCUSDT”,fromid=a)

Do not use this method, use the startTime and endTime parameters to obtain trades for a particular time frame (minute).

Candlesticks have an open and close time. Make sure the trades being compared to the candlestick fall within that time range.

If they still do not match, please provide the startTime, endTime and symbol of the candlestick in question and the difference recieved.