Why does the futures_create_order type 'MARKET' not return filled data upon execution

Why does the futures_create_order type ‘MARKET’ not return filled data upon execution.

Everything just returns null or 0…

Where is the cumQty, executedQty, cumQuote and the price, quantity, commission usually found in the filled array attached to market orders.?

{‘orderId’: 1068616776, ‘symbol’: ‘RVNUSDT’, ‘status’: ‘NEW’, ‘clientOrderId’: ‘Jz55L4g3v9z6CZUeogR5v7’, *‘price’: ‘0’, ‘avgPrice’: ‘0.00000’, ‘origQty’: ‘15384’, ‘executedQty’: ‘0’, ‘cumQty’: ‘0’, ‘cumQuote’: ‘0’, ‘t*imeInForce’: ‘GTC’, ‘type’: ‘MARKET’, ‘reduceOnly’: False, ‘closePosition’: False, ‘side’: ‘BUY’, ‘positionSide’: ‘BOTH’, ‘stopPrice’: ‘0’, ‘workingType’: ‘CONTRACT_PRICE’, ‘priceProtect’: False, ‘origType’: ‘MARKET’, ‘updateTime’: 1636544016053}

By default, the endpoint will return an acknowledgement to reduce the response time.

For the endpoint to return the result instead of an acknowledgement, set newOrderRespType = “RESULT”


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You’re a saint. Thank you