My MARKET order contained a Quantity that was 11.00090030
The MARKET_LOT_SIZE filter details for the trade symbol are:
minQty: 0.00000000
maxQty: 9446.72139718
stepSize: 0.00000000
Executing the MARKET order it failed with the response msg: Filter failure: LOT_SIZE.
The LOT_SIZE filter details for the trade symbol are:
minQty: 0.00001000
maxQty: 900000.00000000
stepSize: 0.00001000
Executing the MARKET order again but with a Quantity of 11.00090 was successful.
For MARKET orders do both MARKET_LOT SIZE and LOT_SIZE symbol filter rules need to pass?
If not, when is the MARKET_LOT_SIZE symbol filter used?