When i use get the spot price using rust ,but it is rejected,why ?

use tungstenite::{connect, Message};
use url::Url;

static BINANCE_WS_API: &str = "wss://stream.binance.com:9443";

fn main() {
    // 拼接完整的url,例如wss://stream.binance.com:9443/ws/btcusdt@trade
    let url = format!("{}/ws/btcusdt@trade", BINANCE_WS_API);
    // 使用connect函数来建立一个WebSocket连接,并且使用unwrap()方法处理错误
    let (mut socket, response) = connect(Url::parse(&url).unwrap()).unwrap();
    println!("Connected to binance stream.");
    println!("HTTP status code: {}", response.status());
    println!("Response headers:");
    for (ref header, header_value) in response.headers() {
        println!("* {}: {:?}", header, header_value);
    loop {
        // 使用read_message()方法来读取WebSocket消息,并且使用unwrap()方法处理错误
        let msg = socket.read_message().unwrap();
        // 如果消息是文本类型,就打印出来
        if msg.is_text() {
            println!("{}", msg);

所以是因为endpoints 拒绝了吗 400的code 这个怎么处理呀

tungstenite does not enable support for TLS by default. You need to choose an appropriate feature in Cargo.toml.

For example,

tungstenite = { version = "0.19", features = ["native-tls"] }

to use your OS’s native TLS implementation.

The HTTP error body says that you’re trying to send unencrypted HTTP request to an HTTPS endpoint.

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