Hi Binance,
what’s up with the url’s in binance.com? In https://testnet.binance.vision/ → F.A.Q. →
How can I use the Spot Test Network? , the url “https://testnet.binance.vision/api” don’t work and give me the 404 error. In many tutorials is this url used too. Got it changed? What is the rel url? This topic is often posted here, but there is no working solution for me. I used this guide: Binance Python API – A Step-by-Step Guide - AlgoTrading101 Blog and some other wit the same url.
The link in https://accounts.binance.com/en/need-kyc, “I accept Solarisbank’s Terms of Reservation of Solarisbank AG” give me the 404 error and a “Sorry! The page you’re looking for cannot be found.” So what, should I accept terms, which i don’t get to read?
There is no contact address for help or information on these sites. Please help me.
Thank you Chai,
but what is with the “Terms of Reservation of Solarisbank”, where can I read it? I could not find them via searching engines too.
Hi all,
I can’t wait and I read the Solaris Bank stuff later when I have get it, if it is ugly then I can delete my account, but now I don’t get the the identification for my Binance account. Affect this my test account https://testnet.binance.vision/?
Thanks and bye.
Please contact Binance Customer Support for the Solaris Bank Terms of Reservation.
Your testnet account is not linked to your Binance account.
Thanks tantialex,
is this right, the test account needs an other e-mail and password for login?
It uses a Github account, separate from your Binance account.
And this Github account can have the same e-mail? I was read so many smart contradictions
in the internet.
No, emails do not need to match.
And it’s not wrong when they match too?
Thanks tantialex,
now I got a real good documentation: Getting Started — python-binance 0.2.0 documentation with snippets and examples they works and this API-URL works too: ‘https://testnet.binance.vision/api/v3/exchangeInfo’
Best Greats and Thanks