What is `cr` in positions?

this is a test LONG in normal mode I tried, I got this ACCOUNT_UPDATE via websocket once I market closed the position manually via binance interface.

what exactly is the “cr” in “P”? accumulated with what? over which time period?

  "E" => 1617924862072,
  "T" => 1617924862068,
  "a" => %{
    "B" => [
      %{"a" => "USDT", "cw" => "15.38387559", "wb" => "15.38387559"},
      %{"a" => "BNB", "cw" => "0", "wb" => "0.02534161"}
    "P" => [
        "cr" => "157.61035944",
        "ep" => "0.00000",
        "iw" => "0",
        "ma" => "USDT",
        "mt" => "cross",
        "pa" => "0",
        "ps" => "BOTH",
        "s" => "BNBUSDT",
        "up" => "0"
        "cr" => "-33.31677004",
        "ep" => "0.00000",
        "iw" => "0",
        "ma" => "USDT",
        "mt" => "cross",
        "pa" => "0",
        "ps" => "LONG",
        "s" => "BNBUSDT",
        "up" => "0"
        "cr" => "57.48426988",
        "ep" => "0.00000",
        "iw" => "0",
        "ma" => "USDT",
        "mt" => "cross",
        "pa" => "0",
        "ps" => "SHORT",
        "s" => "BNBUSDT",
        "up" => "0"
    "m" => "ORDER"

Please read the doc -

“cr”:“200”, // (Pre-fee) Accumulated Realized (Profit)

I read the docs, I’m asking for a clarification because the number shown in my response are not making sense to me.

Hi, if you could find an answer to your question - please share it.
Thank you