What are the URLs for the candlestick charts for the Spot testnet pairs?

I’ve scoured all over the testnet docs, can’t find it anywhere … :thinking:


It’s written under FAQ → How can I use the Spot Test Network?

The websocket url is wss://testnet.binance.vision/ws , append the stream you want to listen to according to the API document. For example, wss://testnet.binance.vision/ws/btcusdt@kline_1m

Hi - sorry for the confusion. I was asking about the actual candlestick charts through the browser - similar to how for the Binance Futures test net you can visit 33486.6 | BTCUSDT USDⓈ-Margined Perpetual | Binance Futures to see candlestick charts for BTC/USDT on the futures testnet market

The SPOT Testnet does not offer visual graphs or candlestick charts similar to the Futures Testnet.