Websocket trade channel live data is inconsistent with real market events (BTCUSDT and ETH_USDT futures)

I have subscribed to the trade channel websocket ( “wss://fstream.binance.com/”) for both BTCUSDT and ETHUSDT futures trading, and I am receving impossible trades for the last 4 weeks. The trades have both valid trade_id and event_time, and are deleted in the data Binance makes available the following day. I am sending two images containing ETHUSDT impossible trades for the first half of 5, aug. This behavior also occurs for BTCUSDT and sometimes the trades are sequential, making it impossible to predict.

@trade stream from futures is not officially supported, not recommended to be used by clients.

Some trades in this stream are from liquidation, that’s why the price can be different from the current market.

Ok, thank you for the answer. Which channel should I use to get real time trading data from futures ?