Websocket order messages are all empty

I’m sure there were new UM Futures orders in my account, but my UMFuturesWebsocketClient userdata subscription always receives {"result": null, "id": 11}, how could this be?

Is it possible that the reason is my license key is expired, or my websocket connections exceed the limits? If any of this two is the reason, can I still receive this normal message {“result”: null, “id”: 11}?

Any help or suggestion is appreciated, tks!


it’s the normal response to any subscription message, keep listening for actual data

Thanks for your comment. After some research, I figured out that the reason was my listen key had been expired for days, so I hadn’t received any order messages. And the {"result": null, "id": 11} were issued by binance server while my client reconnected it(with the expired listen key) after some disconnections.

However, when connecting to Binance’s websocket server with an expired listen key, it does not return any error message to the client, which is not very user-friendly.