[Websocket] No order filled event received, but only account update using futures testnet


I’m currently developing a connector for futures.

To test my implementation I’m using the testnet, I can successfully make API calls and get responses.

I’m currently implementing the websocket part and I’m facing an issue with orders data streams.

I’m using the following endpoints https://testnet.binancefuture.com and wss://stream.binancefuture.com/ws

When placing a limit order I can see the event ORDER_TRADE_UPDATE being triggered with order_status = ‘NEW’, however, when the order is filled, I don’t receive any other event with order_status = ‘FILLED’. I do receive the ACCOUNT_UPDATE event.

Example here:

[05-23-2022_19-09-21] [MESSAGE] {"e":"ORDER_TRADE_UPDATE","T":1653325761146,"E":1653325761149,"o":{"s":"BTCUSDT","c":"4s5ZxCWqZDs6b1SVP0cK4R","S":"SELL","o":"LIMIT","f":"GTC","q":"0.010","p":"30107.70","ap":"0","sp":"0","x":"NEW","X":"NEW","i":3041760179,"l":"0","z":"0","L":"0","T":1653325761146,"t":0,"b":"0","a":"608.30390","m":false,"R":false,"wt":"CONTRACT_PRICE","ot":"LIMIT","ps":"BOTH","cp":false,"rp":"0","pP":false,"si":0,"ss":0}}
[05-23-2022_19-09-27] [MESSAGE] {"e":"ACCOUNT_UPDATE","T":1653325766936,"E":1653325766939,"a":{"B":[{"a":"USDT","wb":"2967.60205574","cw":"2967.60205574","bc":"0"}],"P":[{"s":"BTCUSDT","pa":"-0.010","ep":"30107.70000","cr":"-48.55449996","up":"-0.06003087","mt":"cross","iw":"0","ps":"BOTH","ma":"USDT"}],"m":"ORDER"}}

If I try a market order, I have the same result, as I can see ORDER_TRADE_UPDATE with order_status = ‘NEW’ but I never see either ORDER_TRADE_UPDATE event with order_status = FILLED.

Example here:

[05-23-2022_19-28-10] [MESSAGE] {"e":"ORDER_TRADE_UPDATE","T":1653326889990,"E":1653326889993,"o":{"s":"BTCUSDT","c":"jrJIKjkL6GaQ1ZpvcOk1hj","S":"BUY","o":"MARKET","f":"GTC","q":"0.010","p":"0","ap":"0","sp":"0","x":"NEW","X":"NEW","i":3041763941,"l":"0","z":"0","L":"0","T":1653326889990,"t":0,"b":"0","a":"0","m":false,"R":false,"wt":"CONTRACT_PRICE","ot":"MARKET","ps":"BOTH","cp":false,"rp":"0","pP":false,"si":0,"ss":0}}
[05-23-2022_19-28-10] [MESSAGE] {"e":"ACCOUNT_UPDATE","T":1653326889990,"E":1653326889993,"a":{"B":[{"a":"USDT","wb":"2957.27333734","cw":"2957.27333734","bc":"0"}],"P":[{"s":"BTCUSDT","pa":"0.010","ep":"30103.60000","cr":"-55.02949996","up":"0.01464680","mt":"cross","iw":"0","ps":"BOTH","ma":"USDT"}],"m":"ORDER"}}

If I manually close my position I can see the ACCOUNT_UPDATE event being triggered.

Does anybody already faced similar issues with data streams using the testnet endpoint ?

Thanks in advance for your support.

I had a try, and no problem to get the order udpates.


please check if there is any issue in your script receiving user data stream.

Thanks for your answer.

Since you had no problem receiving messages, I checked my code and went back to a really simple implementation of the receiving function thread.

If I have an infinite loop with a blocking recv I indeed receive all the messages as expected.

def __on_user_data(self):
    while True:
        message = self.__user_data_websocket.recv()
        log(f"[MESSAGE] {message}")

However, if I use a timed out select on the websocket I always miss the ORDER_TRADE_UPDATE with order_status = FILLED

def __on_user_data(self):
    while not self.__user_data_thread.is_stopped():
        has_data = select.select([self.__user_data_websocket], [], [], 1)
        if has_data[0]:
            message = self.__user_data_websocket.recv()
            log(f"[MESSAGE] {message}")

So the issue seems to come from the fact that I’m using passive waiting with select.

I’m using a custom Thread class to be able to stop the thread by sending a stop event with threading.Event(), in case of disconnection, unsubscribing, etc…

The issue is that if I don’t use select the thread would lock indefinitely on recv and I wouldn’t be able to stop it.

So I think I should either try to solve the issue with select not being triggered on the third message or I should configure the websocket in order to have a non-blocking recv.

What do you think ?

you may have a try with this library and script.