Websocket issue / windows update

Hello, I have a very simple program to test the websocket, it worked fine until a few days ago, when it simply stopped returning any value (no error msg, just no values returned). It happened following a windows update, which might be related. Below is the code. and I end up with: btc_price[‘error’]=False and KeyError: 'last’

I have separately tested the websocket url, which works fine : wss://stream.binance.{}:9443/ws/btcusdt@ticker

Have any of you experienced an issue following a windows update, or can help me on this ? (I am not a professionnal dev so I might have missed something obvious there)

from binance.client import Client
from binance import ThreadedWebsocketManager

btc_price = {‘error’:False}
def spot_trade_history(msg):
if msg[‘e’] != ‘error’:

bsm = ThreadedWebsocketManager()
bsm.start_symbol_ticker_socket(callback=spot_trade_history, symbol=‘BTCUSDT’)


Since this issue is most likely derived from the third-party client library used to communicate with the Websocket server, I suggest directing this question to the owner of the library.