WARNING:binance.websocket.websocket_client:CLOSE frame received, closing websocket connection

Then please tell me why I get this error and how to fix it, I will be very grateful

WebSocket Stream Client

import time
import logging
from binance.websocket.um_futures.websocket_client import UMFuturesWebsocketClient

proxies = {‘http’: ‘’}

def message_handler(_, message):

my_client = UMFuturesWebsocketClient(on_message=message_handler, proxies=proxies)

Subscribe to a single symbol stream

logging.info(“closing ws connection”)

WARNING:binance.websocket.websocket_client:CLOSE frame received, closing websocket connection

WARNING:binance.websocket.websocket_client:CLOSE frame received, closing websocket connection

Is this related?

Binance Future is doing Websocket Service upgrade and the upgrade impacts the following:

I followed the documentation and don’t fully understand why it doesn’t work and how to make it work GitHub - binance/binance-connector-python: a simple connector to Binance Public API

To work with the um_futures websocket, you should refer to the documentation in the binance-futures-connector-python repository. The error you’re encountering is likely due to the absence of logging configuration.

To resolve this, consider adding the following lines before your proxy setup:

from binance.lib.utils import config_logging

config_logging(logging, logging.DEBUG)
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