Using the orderlist/oco in python to make use of trailing Delta

Hi all,
I am looking for an example or even somebody who has been able to place an oco-order with a trailing delta on the above leg and the below leg as described here:

They have updated the binance-connector api to version 3.8.0, but I am still unable to place an oco-order as per the description in the api documents.

If I leave the abovePrice empty (as per document allowed) I get an error message saying I need to give the mandatory abovePrice.
If I give an abovePrice I get the messsage that I send the not required aboveTrailingDelta

anybody has a solution?

To be sure we understand the issue, can you send your exact request or the list of parameters you did fill?

Depending on the order type for aboveType, will determine the combination of parameters required for that request.

You can refer to the table under New Order Placement .

If the aboveType is STOP_LOSS_LIMIT then you would need aboveTimeInForce, abovePrice, aboveStopPrice or aboveTrailingDelta

If it’s STOP_LOSS then aboveStopPrice or aboveTrailingDelta is needed.

This is also assuming that everything else being passed (e.g. parameters for the belowType in the request is correct, so the request would help to see where the issue is.