UserDataStream messages not coming l

Hi im testing my app on testnet and I found a problem. I’m using UserDataStream for tracking status of my placed order. But problem comes if for example order is filled a day later, in that case there will be no messages coming about that event. Im pinging every 25min and I also started to renew my listenspotkey every 12 but it doesn’t. Also im using dot net connector. Is this maybe some limitation of test net?

There is no issue from server side. Could you please try to reconnect to WS server and see if you could receive user data message.

It actually doesn’t look like websocket issue but more like order update issue. I have order that i put for SELL on 27.10 it was sold on 28.10 but i never received message about that on websocket. I have put other orders for SELL after that and i received messages on them but they where all FILLED in max 30min. So it looks like websocket wont update my order after certain time is passed, i don’t know what is the minimal time but I can guarantee that if it takes more then 24h since order has been set you wont get messages about them trough websocket when status is changed.

Did you renew the listenkey regularly?

Yes i ping ( Keep-alive) every 25minutes and every 12h close current listen key disconnect websocket and create a new listen key and connect again