User Universal Transfer POST /sapi/v1/asset/transfer

I need to transfer funds from my spot wallet account to my contract account via api, but i received an error msg: {‘code’: -1002, ‘msg’: ‘You are not authorized to execute this request.’}, Please help me check.

Here are a few I can confirm:

  1. It has been confirmed that the api has enabled the universal transfer permission
  2. The signature method is correct, because other interfaces that need to be signed can be called successfully
  3. Here are my parameters. {‘type’: ‘MAIN_UMFUTURE’, ‘asset’: ‘USDT’, ‘amount’: ‘5’, ‘timestamp’: 1645668389141, ‘signature’: ‘09c7128d1xxxxxxxxxxxd6173d0529622256d88’}
  4. The X-MBX-APIKEY header is correct

please try put all parameters in url and try again.

Please feel free to try this python script for this endpoint,