When subscribing to the trades stream using a message like this {"method":"SUBSCRIBE","params":["btcusdt@trade"],"id":10}
a success response {"result":null,"id":10}
is sent and data will start coming in. Trying to unsubscribe however doesn’t stop the stream, even though a success response is received.
Unsubscribe request: {"method":"UNSUBSCRIBE","params":["btcusdt@trade"],"id":12}
Response: {"result":null,"id":12}
Same problem. Binance Futures Websocket API. Subscribe/Unsubscribe methods ignoring start or stop data for @trade chanels. Fix it please. Works only when start connection with: wss://fstream.binance.com/ws/btcusdt@trade/ethusdt@trade/ltcusdt@trade/xrpusdt@trade