Unclear result in the request /sapi/v1/accountSnapshot

Hi all.
Why, in response to the request /sapi/v1/accountSnapshot, we receive total off only “free” coins in the field “totalAssetOfBtc”, and funds locked in orders are not taken into that summ ??? This is not correct. How can I get the total account balance for a specific date? Must to receive the same rates for each coin from the portfolio on a specific date? This will puts a heavy load on the API.

Here’s an example.

 "type": "spot",
        "updateTime": 1618358399000,
        "data": {
            "totalAssetOfBtc": "0.02150766",
            "balances": [
     .........  deleted....................
                    "asset": "BTC",
                    "free": "0",
                    "locked": "0.055774"
                    "asset": "BUSD",
                    "free": "685.26",
                    "locked": "0"

And one more. What rate is used to convert to BTC in “totalAssetOfBtc”? Day of snapshot or today? Its unclear too.
Any idea?

By design, “totalAssetOfBtc” sums up the free balances of all the available assets, by checking their BTC equivalent at the updateTime.
We’ve also shared your feedback about not considering the locked balances internally so that the team is aware. Thank you.

Hi there! How did you mange to get account snapshot on specific date?
I’m trying

and it returns
“code”: 200,
“msg”: “”,

this works well (without startTime, endTime)

Hey @erik_carter, please open a new topic as this is a different question than the original post here.
For the new topic description, please add when you’ve created your USD margined futures account, because from my endpoint the endpoint works well with or without the start and end times.