Unauthorized to request subaccount endpoints from main account


I’m trying to implement subaccount endpoints on my custom Binance python connector, but when I try to request subaccount specific endpoints using the main account API keys I’m always having the following error : 401 : You are not authorized to execute this request.

For example when requesting /sapi/v1/sub-account/list or /sapi/v1/sub-account/sub/transfer/history I always get this error.

When I try to get balances using the main account API keys with /api/v3/account endpoint, I do get the right amounts on each currency. Same with the subaccount API keys, I do retrieve the right amounts. But anytime I try to request subaccount specific endpoints I’m having an unauthorized error.

Is there anything that needs to be configured to be able to request those endpoints using the main account API keys ?


Try enabling the Enable Internal Transfer permission on your main account’s API Key and then trying to make the call again.

This permission is already enabled as you can see on the attached picture.

So I think the issue comes from something else.

I also tried with the ‘Permits Universal Transfer’ permission but I have the same error.

After trying with the public python connector, I realized that the issue was coming from a bag authentication on this endpoint into my code.

So in reality the were no issue.