"Trouble with Rate Limiting: Getting 'Too Many Requests' Error Despite Implementing Exponential Backoff"

Hi everyone,

I’m running into an issue with the Binance API, specifically with rate limiting. Despite implementing exponential backoff in my requests, I’m still receiving a ‘Too Many Requests’ error intermittently. Here’s a breakdown of my implementation:

  • I check the X-MBX-API-TIMESTAMP header before each request and make sure to throttle my calls accordingly.
  • My backoff strategy involves doubling the delay time with each subsequent error (as per Binance’s rate limit guidelines).
  • I’m also setting the X-MBX-API-KEY header correctly, and I’ve tested my API key limits via the /api/v3/rateLimit endpoint.

However, the issue persists after the delay, and I am unsure whether the backoff strategy is not enough or if there’s an issue with the way I’m tracking rate limits.

Has anyone else faced a similar issue? Any advice on how to better handle or diagnose this situation? Would love to hear your thoughts.

I would suggest you to check out the limit on the general info page.
Could you provide more details about when this error occurs? (Which endpoint you’re making requests to, how many requests you made before it happened, etc.)

Thank you! We love Binance :slight_smile: