Transaction fees simulation is included in testnet api???

Hello!! I am trying to build trading bot and i wonder if transaction fees are included in the testnet api simulations especially for Spot trading. or should we simulate them?

Hello!! I am trying to build trading bot and i wonder if transaction fees are included in the testnet api simulations especially for Spot trading?

Commission fees are 0% on the testnet environment.

or should we simulate them?

You may simulate the commission, however it is not suggested as it may not be one-to-one with the system’s commission logic.

In your opinion how should i handle that ?? I cannot to test it to real money if net commissions in the testnet are not real.

The testnet is not for paper trading, but to test technical implementations.

Testnet is being used for mock trading, the mock trading button on the futures trading page leads users to testnet. Transaction fees will be charged in the testnet now.