Trades List

Trades List:

    "a": 26129,         // Aggregate tradeId
    "p": "0.01633102",  // Price
    "q": "4.70443515",  // Quantity
    "quoteQty": ...
    "f": 27781,         // First tradeId
    "l": 27781,         // Last tradeId
    "T": 1498793709153, // Timestamp
    "m": true,          // Was the buyer the maker?
    "M": true           // Was the trade the best price match?

Estos son los datos, ¿entonces cómo se puede saber qué tipo de operaciones son?:

m: True, M: True: Compra Maker al mejor precio disponible.
m: True, M: False: Compra Maker a un precio inferior al mejor disponible.
m: False, M: True: Venta Taker al mejor precio disponible.
m: False, M: False: Venta Taker a un precio inferior al mejor disponible.

¿Esto es correcto?

En el caso de que sea correcto, cuál sería el cálculo que debo realizar para saber:
¿Cuánto dinero ingresa a la moneda?
¿Cuánto dinero sale de la moneda?
Es decir, de las 4 operaciones, ¿cuáles debo sumar para saber cuánto dinero ingresa y cuáles debo sumar para saber cuánto dinero sale?

Teniendo en cuenta que:
Compra Maker = Venta Taker
Compra Taker = Venta Maker

Could you please write your problem in English? I want to ensure I fully understand your issue.
As explained in the documentation:

  • If m is true, it indicates that the maker is the buyer in the trade.
  • If M is true, it means the trade was executed at the best available price.

m: True, M: True: Buy Maker at the best available price.
m: True, M: False: Buy Maker at a price below the best available price.
m: False, M: True: Sell Taker at the best available price.
m: False, M: False: Sell Taker at a lower price than the best available price.

Is this correct?

Could you please clarify what you mean by Sell Taker?
If m is false, it indicates that the maker is the seller, not the buyer, in the trade."

m: True, M: True: Buy Maker at the best available price.
m: True, M: False: Buy Maker at a price below the best available price.
m: False, M: True: Sell Maker at the best available price.
m: False, M: False: Sell Maker at a lower price than the best available price.

Is it correct now?