Trade data mismatch between Binance API and trading terminal (CScalp)

Good day, dear Binance support team!

I’m writing to you regarding a problem I encountered while writing a program related to obtaining data about recent trades for selected futures and spot assets.

The problem is that the data about trades received from the Binance exchange (both via http and wss requests) does not match the data displayed in trades feed in the trading terminal.

Solving this problem is the most important part of my project, as the final product should be a bot, which main part is to send trades-related information to certain telegram channels. Obtaining valid trades data plays a key role here.

Thank you in advance for your attention to this request and professional assistance in resolving the situation.

GitHub link

Hi, for better understanding of your situation, it’s better if you could give a more context. I see that you shared a GitHub link, although it’s not accessible and the illustration of a problem should contain:

  • Description of the expected behavior.
  • Description of what happens instead, including indication of the issue.
  • Steps to reproduce with the Binance API (not 3rd party codes please).

For now, we don’t understand what you mean exactly by “trades feed in the trading terminal”, it seems to be you own developed code?