The futures balance appears as negative.

The futures balance appears as negative.

not test-net.

GET /fapi/v2/positionRisk

    symbol: 'BTC/USDT',
    positionAmount: 0.146,
    entryPrice: 34139.1,
    markPrice: 56992.9,
    unRealizedProfit: 3336.6548,
    liquidationPrice: 35700.58535319,
    leverage: 50,
    maxNotionalValue: 10000000,
    marginType: 'cross',
    isolatedMargin: 0,
    isAutoAddMargin: false,
    positionSide: 'BOTH',
    notional: 8320.9634,
    isolatedWallet: 0,
    updateTime: 1698738799856,
    updateTimeStamp: '2023-10-31T07:53:19.856Z'

GET /fapi/v2/balance

  accountAlias: 'SgXqTiuXTiFzAuXq',
  asset: 'USDT',
  balance: -207.12771972,
  crossWalletBalance: -207.12771972,
  crossUnPnl: 3336.1438,
  availableBalance: 2962.46103228,
  maxWithdrawAmount: 0,
  marginAvailable: true,
  updateTime: 1698738799856

Are there any scenarios where balance comes out as a negative value?

It indicates a deficit in that specific asset.
For more information, check out this webpage."