TESTNET prices are wrong after yesterday (April 10, 2024)

Hi TESTNET API developers,

after yesterday the prices which returns on API request in most cases are wrong - that means that rarely it returns correct prices but mainly the prices are wrong. It’s a problem.
Looks like a bug.
For example:


@Oleg_Ziakun Can you give more details on how you’re comparing the prices to determinate they’re wrong? Attention, the the Testnet is just a playground, is normal for it to not follow the exact same price as in the live exchange.

Thanks for your response.
More details:

For example I making a sell order for some quantity with type : “MARKET”.
The API returns response in which I must calculate the price I paid.
This price is calculating based on “fills” array parameter (in API JSON response). The “fills” array contains “price” parameter - and this is a price which I paid actually.
So this “price” parameter return wrong price for now.
I guess this is a must to have a proper returned price even if TESTNET is playground. Otherwise it ruins any calculations.
Before April 10, 2024 it works good but for now is not.
I comparing the prices based on “bestAskPrice” and “bestBidPrice” parameters which also returns by API.
It’s OK to have NOT exact prices as on a real world but as you can see (please see above example in the post) even without knowing the exact prices for now price for example for BTC = 26075 USDT or 20715 USDT just impossible. So if API returns for one part of sum the price of 70860 USDT but for another part of the same selling request 20715 USDT (in the same API response) then I guess it is wrong.

Example of the full response on sell request:

Additional details:

For example (from my tests):

  1. I created BTCUSDT buy order with type: “LIMIT” and set the price to: 64930.75 USDT, that is, buy when the price of BTC reaches 64930.75 USDT (at that moment the current price was 1 BTC =70800 USDT).
  2. After some time (about 1 minute), the API responded that the order was executed(filled).
  3. I saw the current price at the moment the order was executed was 1 BTC = 70866.39 USDT (“bestBidPrice” param) .

Thus, the order that must to be executed (i.e. to buy BTC) at the price of 64930.75 USDT was executed at the bid price of 70866.39 USDT.

This is impossible scenario.
So this prevent from working properly with the API at the moment.
For sure it’s bug with prices in the API.

Just curious the API developers reading this forum? If yes please let me know if you are working on this bug.
Or is there another place to report API bugs?
