Swap BNFCR to BNB in USD-M Futures Wallet (Credit Trade Mode EEA)


Does anybody know, how to swap the BNFCR to for ex. BNB using an endpoint? Unfortunately my wallet converted to Credit Trade Mode and now it’s impossible to transfer from USD-M Futures to Spot, without a Swap.

Also there is no documentation about in API-Docs or somwhere else I found.

Thank you!

Wallet > Futures > Swap

You can do this to transfer the funds, had the same problem for a few days :laughing:

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Hi Petar,
thank you, but I need to do this via an API-Endpoint and not within the GUI. In GUI/Webapp there is no Problem to do that, but for convenience, I would like to automate the transfer :slight_smile:


Hi, I also need an API-Endpoint or other solution for virtual sub-account swap (Credit Trade Mode on futures). Is there any way to swap on virtual sub-accounts?
Thank you


I have the same problem. I join the question

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I’m also facing the same issue and haven’t found a solution so far. It seems that there’s no option for virtual sub-accounts in the WebUI, and I haven’t come across any relevant endpoints in the Sub-Account API either.

Update on Virtual Sub-Account Swap Solution

The Binance Support team suggested using the following endpoints for converting funds within virtual sub-accounts in Credit Trade Mode:

  1. Send a convert request:
    :point_right: Send Quote Request - Send quote request | Binance Open Platform
  2. Accept the quote:
    :point_right: Accept Quote - Accept Quote | Binance Open Platform

However, this approach appears to require additional permissions, as per the Binance Convert API docs. In my case, it returns:
{"code":-1002,"msg":"You are not authorized to execute this request."}


Since this method is restricted, Support suggested an alternative approach that works:

  • Use the following endpoint to transfer funds from a virtual sub-account to the master account:
    :point_right: POST /sapi/v1/sub-account/futures/internalTransfer
  • Then, convert the funds within the master account before transferring them back.

This workaround is functional, but it requires additional steps.