What are the supported coins in spot trading for test net API, I can only trade BNB, BTC and LTC all other orders showing invalid symbol “1121 [msg] => Invalid symbol.” Is the just few coins that are supported in test net API? Where can I get the list?
Here is the response from API -
Array ( [code] => -1121 [msg] => Invalid symbol. [_method] => POST [_url] => https://testnet.binance.vision/api/v3/order?symbol=ADAUSDT&side=BUY&type=MARKET&quantity=34.42&newClientOrderId=AVXTEST_6207f761ebcdf×tamp=1644689249000&newOrderRespType=ACK [_httpcode] => 400 ) Preformatted text
If you do an Account Information call (/account) on testnet, it will show you coins with the granted virtual balance.
Based on the query I just did, the coins currently available on testnet are BNB, BTC, BUSD, ETH, LTC, TRX, USDT, XRP
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Thank you, Got it, This was helpful, I was struggling to fix the LOT of SIZE,