Subscription not receives message for sometimes

I use websocket like that, sometimes I can get the right message, but sometimes I cant get any message. e.g. I made 6 new order today but no “ORDER_TRADE_UPDATE” return ,what the probable reasons for that?

BinanceClient.futureSubsptClient.subscribeUserDataEvent(listenKey, ((event) -> {
                for(BalanceUpdate balanceUpdate:event.getAccountUpdate().getBalances()){
                for(PositionUpdate positionUpdate:event.getAccountUpdate().getPositions()){
//      "future accout_update event:{}",event);
            }else if(event.getEventType().equals("ORDER_TRADE_UPDATE")){
                OrderUpdate orderUpdate = event.getOrderUpdate();
      "future trade_update event: orderstatus={},clientId={},price={},qty={},event={}",

Looks more like a java coding problem…
What error do you get?

no error, only not receive any message.

You can get ACCOUNT_UPDATE but no ORDER_TRADE_UPDATE event using above code?

I can not get either message sometimes, but sometimes I can get message normally. And I use offical java-api, I place my service in Tokyo, but I usually get socket error: which method can get the tick fast and accurate, http or websocket? , like
2021-03-22 17:49:44 [ERROR] - [Sub][1] Unexpected error: Socket closed
so maybe a problem in binance service problem?

though the in network is about 16M(bits/s),and I subscription all tick, so maybe the all tick makes traffic jam?

There’s no such thing as official api and can you answer my question directly?
You can get ACCOUNT_UPDATE but no ORDER_TRADE_UPDATE event using above code?