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币安在那些国家和什么情况下能普通使用我们也不太确定, 上是有说:

Please note that there are legal requirements in various countries which may restrict the products and services that Binance Operators can lawfully provide. Accordingly, some products and services and certain functionality within the Binance Platform may not be available or may be restricted in certain jurisdictions or regions or to certain users. You shall be responsible for informing yourself about and observing any restrictions and/or requirements imposed with respect to the access to and use of the Binance Platform and the Binance Services in each country from which the Binance Platform and the Binance Services are accessed by you or on your behalf. Binance Operators reserve the right to change, modify or impose additional restrictions with respect to the access to and use of the Binance Platform and/the Binance Services from time to time at their discretion at any time without prior notification.