Spot Test Network Invalid API Key


I looked at the forum for a bit but couldn’t find anything about Spot Test Network, mostly I found Invalid API key issues for normal endpoints or Future testnet, therefore I thought I would create a new topic - if there is one already addressing this issue please feel free to close it and inform me with the topic.

I am trying to use Spot Test Network API with the same API Key and Secret that I use for “”. As the Test Network Documentation provides, I replaced the base URL with “”, however though when I make call for any of the /api/* endpoints for spots, I receive -2015 error code with “Invalid API Key” error message.

I normally receive a 200 response code with empty object returned from my orders, transactions, etc. when I make API Call to “”, I couldn’t find anything about creating a separate API Key for Test Network or give additional permission to my API Key. Is there something I am missing?

Thank you!

Apparently I misunderstood the following statement:

" How can I use the Spot Test Network?

Step 1: Log in on this website, and generate an API Key.

Step 2: Follow the official documentation of the Spot API, replacing the URLs of the endpoints with the following values:"

And logged into binance’s official website to create and API Key, I just realized there is a log in option on the Spot Test Network documentation to generate a new key.