SPOT sold more coins then bought

In trade history I bought 30,000 TFUEL and sold 30,004 TFUEL. How is it possible?

I have downloaded all transfers, dust conversions, distributions, coin withdrawals and deposits.
Found 2 records: Distribution 0.97156051 TFUEL. And 1 dust conversion -0.97156051 TFUEL
Nothing else. Nor any other pairs TFUEL/BTC etc.

array:8 [
  0 => array:13 [
    "symbol" => "TFUELUSDT"
    "id" => 2562056
    "orderId" => 42545783
    "orderListId" => -1
    "price" => "0.01228800"
    "qty" => "3000.00000000"
    "quoteQty" => "36.86400000"
    "commission" => "0.00119922"
    "commissionAsset" => "BNB"
    "time" => 1598002597226
    "isBuyer" => true
    "isMaker" => false
    "isBestMatch" => true
  1 => array:13 [
    "symbol" => "TFUELUSDT"
    "id" => 2562057
    "orderId" => 42545783
    "orderListId" => -1
    "price" => "0.01228900"
    "qty" => "17000.00000000"
    "quoteQty" => "208.91300000"
    "commission" => "0.00679562"
    "commissionAsset" => "BNB"
    "time" => 1598002597226
    "isBuyer" => true
    "isMaker" => false
    "isBestMatch" => true
  2 => array:13 [
    "symbol" => "TFUELUSDT"
    "id" => 2571977
    "orderId" => 42550892
    "orderListId" => -1
    "price" => "0.01100000"
    "qty" => "10000.00000000"
    "quoteQty" => "110.00000000"
    "commission" => "0.00365662"
    "commissionAsset" => "BNB"
    "time" => 1598009971001
    "isBuyer" => true
    "isMaker" => true
    "isBestMatch" => true
  3 => array:13 [
    "symbol" => "TFUELUSDT"
    "id" => 2672164
    "orderId" => 43608343
    "orderListId" => -1
    "price" => "0.01438900"
    "qty" => "4993.00000000"
    "quoteQty" => "71.84427700"
    "commission" => "0.00240563"
    "commissionAsset" => "BNB"
    "time" => 1598293097171
    "isBuyer" => false
    "isMaker" => false
    "isBestMatch" => true
  4 => array:13 [
    "symbol" => "TFUELUSDT"
    "id" => 2672165
    "orderId" => 43608343
    "orderListId" => -1
    "price" => "0.01437300"
    "qty" => "7.00000000"
    "quoteQty" => "0.10061100"
    "commission" => "0.00000336"
    "commissionAsset" => "BNB"
    "time" => 1598293097171
    "isBuyer" => false
    "isMaker" => false
    "isBestMatch" => true
  5 => array:13 [
    "symbol" => "TFUELUSDT"
    "id" => 3348396
    "orderId" => 71874660
    "orderListId" => -1
    "price" => "0.01153700"
    "qty" => "2145.00000000"
    "quoteQty" => "24.74686500"
    "commission" => "0.02474687"
    "commissionAsset" => "USDT"
    "time" => 1607248255793
    "isBuyer" => false
    "isMaker" => false
    "isBestMatch" => true
  6 => array:13 [
    "symbol" => "TFUELUSDT"
    "id" => 3348397
    "orderId" => 71874660
    "orderListId" => -1
    "price" => "0.01153600"
    "qty" => "952.00000000"
    "quoteQty" => "10.98227200"
    "commission" => "0.01098227"
    "commissionAsset" => "USDT"
    "time" => 1607248255793
    "isBuyer" => false
    "isMaker" => false
    "isBestMatch" => true
  7 => array:13 [
    "symbol" => "TFUELUSDT"
    "id" => 3348398
    "orderId" => 71874660
    "orderListId" => -1
    "price" => "0.01153600"
    "qty" => "21907.00000000"
    "quoteQty" => "252.71915200"
    "commission" => "0.25271915"
    "commissionAsset" => "USDT"
    "time" => 1607248255793
    "isBuyer" => false
    "isMaker" => false
    "isBestMatch" => true

What I’m missing? Maybe some other ways to gain coins other then distribution? I did not use any stacking.

Hi there,

Sorry but this might need a deeper account’s history check and across different products, for which Customer Support will be a better of help, we don’t have that kind of visibility here.

Thank you. But maybe you have an idea what else can change balance on SPOT account apart from universal transfers, withdraws and deposits, dustlog, distribution. I cant find anything else what affect coin balance

I come across a similar issue from time to time. For instance, in my trading history there are only 3 trades on APEBUSD pair:

symbol: ‘APEBUSD’,

qty: ‘8.45000000’,
commission: ‘0.00845000’,
commissionAsset: ‘APE’,
isBuyer: true
symbol: ‘APEBUSD’,

qty: ‘8.40000000’,
commission: ‘0.00840000’,
commissionAsset: ‘APE’,
isBuyer: true
symbol: ‘APEBUSD’,

qty: ‘17.02000000’,
commission: ‘0.01702000’,
commissionAsset: ‘APE’,
isBuyer: true

Basing on the information above I bought:

8.45 + 8.40 + 17.02 = 33.87 APE

I paid 0.00845000 + 0.00840000 + 0.01702000 = 0.03387 in commission.

Makes sense as 0.03387 = 0.1% of 33.87.

After commissions I should hold 33.87 - 0.03387 = 33.83613 APE

However when I check my balance I can see that I own 33.83952 APE. The difference is 0.00339.

There is a very slight difference but as @tmm correctly mentioned - it can grow with the number of transactions.

I suspect that it has something to do with how the commission is calculated or returned via API. My intuition tells me that it’s a similar issue to what I reported here: DustLog precision issue - #2 by aisling.

I’d guess you have a 10% commission kickback (Binance API Documentation)

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@GG-lemon: Wow! Thanks for the hint. That was exactly it - a commission rebate. I wasn’t even aware of that endpoint. Nevermind my comment then. I guess @tmm issue is something else then.