with my master API key (internal transfer enabled), I’ve tried these API to transfer USDT from master email to subaccount email, but none of them works. I got
{“code”:-1022,“msg”:“Signature for this request is not valid.”}
However, if I change destination email to master email (both fromEmail and toEmail are the same), it can work with some API. So the problem shouldn’t be signature mal-form. Is there anything I am missing?
Signature for this request is not valid may be thrown due to you using the wrong secretKey to generate the signature. Note that if (For Sub-account) is stated in the API doc, you have to use the api and secret key of the sub account and use Master’s api and secret key if (For Master) is stated.
Let’s say I use this API endpoint: https://binance-docs.github.io/apidocs/spot/en/#universal-transfer-for-master-account
with my master account API key and secret (internal transfer enabled)
I can transfer from MASTER SPOT Account to MASTER FUTURE Account without error,
but I can’t transfer from MASTER SPOT Account to SUBACCOUNT SPOT Account.
Any idea?