Service unavailable from a restricted location according

Hi. At the few last days I get error

BinanceAPIException(<Response [451]>, 451, '{\n  "code": 0,\n  "msg": "Service unavailable from a restricted location according to \'b. Eligibility\' in Please contact customer service if you believe you received this message in error."\n}')

Very often.
I have many data-centers in the French, but I get this error at only one of these (when I do ping request).

I’m use library python-binance==1.0.16

Any ideas?


By any chance is the server you’re using a Google Cloud server? Users have found that regardless of the location of the server, all of the GCP IPs resolve as US-based IPs and therefore fall under a restricted location. Unfortunately there’s no way around this apart from using a different server.

I’m use OVH