Sending and canceling orders from WebSocket connection

Hello developers.

I would like to ask, if Binance is planning to add opportunity to open and close orders from websocket connection. As far as I know, right only REST API is supporting such actions. So if it is in development plan, when it will be available?

Thank you.

This indeed would be very helpful, especially in situations where you would need one trade to finish before making another, where the time between the two trades needs to be minimal (for example in arbitrage trading). I myself now must make an http api request to see if the order is filled, and because I want to know it as fast as possible I need as many as api calls per second as possible, which leads to IP bans. It would be very nice to have the order status being pushed thru a websocket.


Good day,

As of December 2022, the SPOT has released a websocket api that allows one to place and cancel orders via a websocket. It is functionally equivalent to the Restful API on SPOT.

The official documentation can be found here: Binance API Documentation

The kline data is available from websocket:

Hope this is what you are looking for.

Thank you, but this is not, what I was looking for.
I mean, opportunity to make trades, open and cancel my orders with websockets, not only through Rest API.

Sorry that’s not available yet.

Hi, is there any chance to add sending order through websocket ?

Not in the moment, we’ll mark this topic as feature_request to register this feedback.

This is a really needed feature. When prices move too fast, placing order via HTTP (REST API) is not fast enough. I hope Binance offers a faster way, like using websocket stream.

Place orders, cancel orders or send other requests via WebSocket.

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