Seller or buyer in the API.

I’m using the API python function Recent_trades and I need to know the quantity of the trade and if the trade was a seller or a buyer, that is if the taker has settled and order for an ask or a bid.
I can see this information in the order book in binance’s web.
Has something to do whit IsBuyerMaker?

isBuyerMaker parameter can help you understand how the trade was done.
First of all, each trade has a seller and a buyer so the transaction can happen.
If isBuyerMaker = true, it means that the buyer is the market maker. The buyer placed the order earlier than the seller, so the final price is based on the bid price.
On the other hand, if isBuyerMaker = false, it means that the seller is the market maker. The seller placed the order earlier than the buyer, so the final price is based on the ask price.