Savings Endpoint - Interest Rate History

Hi guys,

I am trying to fetch historical Binance Savings Interest rates as shown on My goal is to get hisorical daily and 7 day average interest rates of different currencies.

As far as I understood, this is possible by the “/sapi/v1/lending/union/interestHistory” endpoint.
However, I do only get “empty” answers back.
Therefore I have some questions:

  1. Is it in general possible to find historical interest rates of the different products?
  2. Does this API mean to only give me back the history of my own lendings?

Thank you :slight_smile:

GET /sapi/v1/lending/union/interestHistory returns empty result if the account does not have anything lending. Do you have any record on your side?

If you want to know the general info no matter purchased or not, this may be what you need.

Hi ishuen,

thank you very much for your answer.
I dont have any records on my side.

I am looking rather for something as you suggested
but for the past.

Is there a possibility to find this historical data?

Essentially I am looking for historical data to fixed and flexible savings as shown on this site:

Kind regards

As far as I know that information is not available from the APIs open to the public.
“avgAnnualInterestRate” from GET /sapi/v1/lending/daily/product/list endpoint is the closest one to your need.

Thank you very much