Restricted location issues

Hello, I get the following error when requesting funding rate api:

"error":"<APIError> code=0, msg=Service unavailable from a restricted location according to 'b. Eligibility' in Please contact customer service if you believe you received this message in error.","time":"2024-05-08T09:36:10Z"

I believe my services(running on GCP) are at western US, here are IPs:

If you consult → “b. Eligibility” section - referred in the error message - , you can see that in order to be eligible, you “not be located, incorporated, otherwise established in, a citizen of, or resident of, or have business operations in” “a country listed in our List of Prohibited Countries.”

US is part of the prohibited countries. you can only use services from

Use Tokyo as location, usualy this also reduce the latency to binance endpints.