Hello, i dont have a complicate problem, i just wonder why i only get around 50 candelsticks from my RestAPi call to the kline:
Must i change my API call url or is this normal that you get not more candelsticks for monthly chart?
There simply isn’t any activity left to retrieve. The 50 candlesticks are the full dataset for the symbol given.
Please note, that interval means the time window covered by 1 candlestick, therefore, interval=1M means that each candlestick signifies 1 month of aggregated data. If your intentions is to have a month’s worth of data with more granular intervals (say 5 minutes [5m]) the you should use the startTime and endTime parameters, such as the following
Normaly the Bitcoin monthly candels must go back till 2011 and later, the 50 candels which i get now from the Binance Rest API call go just till end of 2017, i am sure other exchanges also give you more candelsticks for monthly chart. I did think Binance API would also give more.
The market data obtained from Binance services represents the activity on the Binance Exchange platform. In the case of BTCUSDT, the symbol began trading on August 2017, which can be confirmed by checking the Binance UI chart (63206.42 | BTCUSDT | Binance Spot), any data previous to its listing on the exchange is not available.
i understand now.
would you recommend me any other API to get more candelstick data for my crypto charts?
i was also thinking maybe to use coingecko or coinmarketcap and there is also a company called covalent or moralis, if somebody can recommend one would be nice.