Rest API Kline Call what is the limit

Easy question, but i dont find the answer. What is the exact limit for Rest API kline calls per minute for example?

If i have 50 crypto charts and i make every 1 or 2 seconds a new call to the Kline Rest API will i hit the limit?

I have already try to work with the websocket kline connections but i dont know why it often stops the streams and i also dont find any professional solution how to handle it to make a perfect streams, thats why i think its best to work just with the Rest API Kline calls.

You are not suppose to exceed request weight of 1200 every minute. This information can be found in exchangeInfo endpoint. Nevertheless, the websocket approach is the best way to retrieve market data. You can research on how to do reconnection when a connection is lost and also ensure that you have stable connection when you connect to the websocket server.

Why does the developer community here not offer just some easy and good working examples for the websocket connection.

I have try few weeks now to work with the websocket and i am not ssatiesfied. if i make a connection request i get a connection after few seconds but for example if i have make 10 connection request for 10 different currencys and if i check the variable “readystate” to see if connection is open then i dont know for which currency this connection is open info comes, the readystate paramter just say connection is open but it dont say for which currency and it often happen in my test that for some currencys the streams stops but you dont know it, that is to complicate and i dont have find any good working examples, thats why i just can work with the HTTP kline request to get the candelsticks without to much problems

That is because there are tons of programming languages out there, we can’t possibly write all demos for each one of them. The more important thing here is to understand the concept rather than copying from a demo code.

You can try to combine your streams instead of maintaining one connection for each stream. /stream?streams=<streamName1>/<streamName2>/<streamName3>

How many other streams can i write into the call? If we have for example 500 currencys, can i write them all into one call and get the stream for them all?

If yes how can i check then if all streams are continuesly running, will the variable “readyState” show me if just one of this 500 streams is lacking?