Requesting Limit

I have a simple question. I need to know about the Binance API limitation. i need to call api for every 1 second, 5 seconds, 15 seconds, 30 seconds, 45 seconds and the 1 min. what I need for it and how I can continuously call without any restriction. i will call apis with python. if need upgrade account then how. thank you so much.

Try this:

import requests

def get_rate_limits():
    base_url = ''
    endpoint = '/api/v3/exchangeInfo'
    response = requests.get(base_url + endpoint)
    if response.status_code == 200:
        headers = response.headers
        rate_limit = int(headers.get('x-mbx-used-weight-1m', 0))
        rate_limit_max = 1200
        remaining_requests = rate_limit_max - rate_limit
        return {
            'rate_limit_max': rate_limit_max,
            'rate_limit_used': rate_limit,
            'remaining_requests': remaining_requests
        print(f"Error {response.status_code}: {response.text}")
        return None

# Example
rate_limits = get_rate_limits()
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Based on my undertsanding, the code snippet provided is for checking the rate limits on Binance API correctly queries the /api/v3/exchangeInfo endpoint to get exchange information, which includes rate limits. However, the code is only reading the rate limit from the response headers, which typically isn’t provided in the headers for this endpoint. The actual rate limits and tiers are contained within the body of the response, not in the headers. [This is what I undertsand]

What I think may be the more appropiate way to get and interpret the rate limits from the response body should be structured something like this:

import requests # Import the requests library to make HTTP requests in Python

def get_rate_limits():
base_url = ‘’ # Define the base URL for the Binance API
endpoint = ‘/api/v3/exchangeInfo’ # Specify the API endpoint to get exchange information

response = requests.get(base_url + endpoint)  # Make a GET request to the API endpoint

if response.status_code == 200:  # Check if the request was successful (HTTP status code 200)
    data = response.json()       # Parse the JSON response into a dictionary

    rate_limits = data.get('rateLimits', [])  # Retrieve 'rateLimits' from the data, default to an empty list if not found

    # Loop through each item in rate_limits to find the REQUEST_WEIGHT type
    for limit in rate_limits:
        if limit['rateLimitType'] == 'REQUEST_WEIGHT':  # Check if the rate limit type is 'REQUEST_WEIGHT'
            # Return a dictionary with details about the rate limit
            return {
                'interval': limit['interval'],        # The time interval for the limit (e.g., MINUTE)
                'interval_num': limit['intervalNum'], # The number in which the interval repeats (e.g., 1 for one minute)
                'limit': limit['limit']               # The maximum allowed weight in the given interval
    # Print an error message if the API call failed
    print(f"Error {response.status_code}: {response.text}")
    return None  # Return None if there was an error
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