Request for Update Regarding Hedge Mode Information Accessibility in User Streams

Dear Binance Developer Team,

I am writing to address a recent change in the API concerning the accessibility of information on hedge mode status. Previously, updates to hedge mode were conveniently accessible via the ACCOUNT_CONFIG_UPDATE stream. This feature was instrumental in providing timely and efficient updates for trading strategies.

However, it has come to my attention that this functionality has been removed. Now, obtaining information on hedge mode requires sending a separate API request, which seems less efficient. Additionally, the current stream no longer provides this crucial piece of information.

The removal of this feature has introduced a significant inconvenience, impacting the effectiveness of algorithmic trading strategies that rely on real-time data. The necessity to send additional requests not only increases latency but also complicates the integration process.

Therefore, I kindly request that the Binance team consider reintroducing this feature or provide an alternative solution that allows for seamless and real-time access to hedge mode status within the STREAM. This update would greatly benefit the developer and trader community, enhancing the efficiency of our trading algorithms.

Thank you for your attention to this matter and for your ongoing commitment to improving the Binance STREAM.

Best regards,

Hello, based on the Futures API changelog, the ACCOUNT_CONFIG_UPDATE type of event seems to have always been associated with change in the account’s configuration (change in the leverage or account mode), unrelated to getting live updates when in Hedge Mode.

I’m trying to detect the change of hedge mode.

I see, I understand your original question now.
Based on the same changelog, it only mentions integration of “leverage update and Multi-Assets margin status update”, so I’m not aware of the the Hedge/One way mode change update being included or removed from it. However I’ll share your feedback to the team.

Previously if “j” included, it meant hedge mode was set but it doesn’t work this way anymore. That would be great to pass this via websocket in ACCOUNT_CONFIG_UPDATE to notify users hedge mode is updated.

  'ai': {
    'j': ''