Regarding futures upgrade to optimize the Order API

Binance Futures will conduct an upgrade to optimize the Order API at 2020/05/18 0:00 AM (UTC) to provide a better service for our users. The API upgrade is estimated to take up to 2 weeks to complete.
Once the upgrade is complete, users will no longer be able to access orders generated over 30 days ago with no filled trade and with order status of CANCELED or EXPIRED from the GET /fapi/v1/order and GET /fapi/v1/allOrders API endpoints. However, these orders will still be accessible via the App or the Web UI.

The details are at

Q : Will my orders be “auto-canceled” or whatever?
A : NO. This will only affect orders that are in the CANCELED or EXPIRED state.

Q : Does this mean I can’t use the API for two weeks?
A : NO. The Futures API and trading will be open.

Q: I need this data! It breaks my bot!
A: CANCELED/EXPIRED orders that did not fill will be available for 30 days via the API, and always available via the UI.